Monday, September 1, 2014

"Tarzajaay" Clearance.

The best place for anything on clearance by far, is Target. I was out just getting some groceries and I was headed to the check out when I saw this cute little coloring book. They had plenty on the shelf so at first I thought something was wrong with them, if you haven't noticed that's usually the first reason anything is on clearance. After a bit of inspection I knew they just were probably over run or something. So I got one, with it being originally 13 bucks I got it for a pretty good deal for 6 and some change. One other great thing about this travel coloring book is that it's by one of my favorite toddler brands Pkolino I have purchased a few other things from them a while back when Jaylen was a baby and I loved them. Their products just last and are super cute and totally my style of "Toy"

Jaylen loves it as well, in the picture he was having a boo boo day because he touched the stove top for the first time ever and definitely the last time. I got this little coloring book when I was at Target to get some pain reliever for his hand. Probably not the best feel better gift considering it was his writing hand that he hurt but he loved it regardless and made it work. 

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